Required fields are marked with asterisks (*)


We're looking for young adults to help us develop programs and services for teens!

The Teen Library Ambassadors should commit to: 

  • attending monthly, in-person meetings, usually on Wednesday afternoons
  • participating in at least one teen library event per month
  • responding regularly to library staff email and/or Discord chats regarding TLA activities within 48 hours
  • assisting with promoting teen programs with their peers (ex. by making and putting up posters, sharing library events on social media, inviting friends to join them for an event)
  • sharing their excitement and passion for library services and initiatives!

To apply, please fill out our online application.

All applicants will be contacted within two weeks, and invited for a short (15-20 minute) online interview. 

Are you a member of Peterborough Public Library?
The group will meet at least once per month for about 90 minutes, usually in-person on Wednesday evenings. Are you able to commit to attending these regular meetings?
How did you find out about this position? (Check all that apply)