Local Authors' Collection
The purpose of the Local Authors Collection is to showcase locally produced, self-published, independent press works of fiction, non-fiction, music and film for library patrons of all ages. It is a contemporary, circulating collection (i.e. non-archival/non-retrospective). Please note that due to space considerations, an entire body of an author’s work may or may not be included.
Submissions are welcome from authors presently living and/or working in Peterborough and Peterborough County.
Items are selected in accordance with the library’s Collection Development Policy.
If interested, submit the following form for review. Staff will aim to follow-up within 7-10 business days. Please do not leave materials with library staff until you have been contacted.
The Library collects personal information under the Public Libraries Act. Information is only used to administer library services/programs. For more information, see our Privacy Policy or ask staff at 705-745-5382 x 2340 or libraryinfo@peterborough.ca.